If you need to edit the Participant ID or change the timeframe for data collection you can by editing the participant profile.
1To edit the participant (user) profile click on the participant ID from your project dashboard (a pencil icon will appear when you hover over the ID).
From the Edit User Profile page you can edit the Participant ID, the data collection time frames and tag assignments. You can also delete the profile. To edit the Participant ID, fill in the field on the Information tab and click Update Information.
To change the date range that Fitabase will sync and collect data from the Fitbit account connected to the Participant ID click on the Edit icon next to Syncing.
To assign or change tags for the participant, click Edit Participant Tags on the Tags tab of the profile page.
Only choose to delete profiles if you are sure you've collected all the necessary data or want to remove that ID from your project. Deleting IDs cannot be undone.
Tip: Changing Participant Passwords
There are two ways to change a participant's password: via the Fitbit app or the Fitbit.com dashboard. See Fitbit's step-by-step how-to here.