Note: When possible, Google recommends that researchers have participants use their personal Google accounts to share Fitbit data that we then pull into the Fitabase platform. 

In scenarios where a research study cannot use personal Google accounts for participants, Google has recommended the use of demo accounts, which are created by Google for your study. These are deidentified Google profiles designed for research using Fitbit devices. They allow researchers to collect deidentified Fitbit data and maintain participant privacy. They operate a bit differently than standard accounts. 

Key things to note about demo accounts vs. standard Google accounts:

  • Account expiration
    • Demo accounts expire after six months. However, Fitbit’s support team will extend accounts in six-month increments for the lifetime of the study, with an additional month added to allow for data download.
  • Application requirements
    • To use these accounts, you’ll need to complete a research application with Google. This application also requires
      • have either an IRB approval or waiver
      • a copy of that approval or waiver. 
  • Client ID for setup
    • You’ll need a client ID to make use of the demo accounts. If you are using Fitabase for your study, you can get in touch with us at and we’ll be able to provide you with the client ID for the Google research application. 
  • Approval timeline
    • Demo accounts take about 5-7 business days for Fitbit’s support team to approve, so you’ll want to account for this period of time before enrolling participants. 
  • Receiving Your Accounts
    • Once processed, you will receive a .csv file containing account usernames and passwords. Please make sure the email address you submit with can receive Google Drive shares. 

A full list of guidelines for using demo accounts can be found at this link.